Spearhead Regiment


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All-Squad Golden Hammer Award Winners
(Series 6)

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GenBH.SR12 Wins the Badtanker Memorial Game 1


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20 October 2004:

General BH.SR12 retires. Had enough of the bullsh-t that the Murphree losers have to do to compete. They been using his name to speed and cheat like pussies, and they have ruined af3. They could never beat him fairly, so they ran him out by being bitches. They have ruined the game. Between them and the lag, it's a waste of time now.

Sam.SR3 and Viper.SR21 are the new commanders, play on !!!

28 September 2004:

New members, Aimhere.SR26, Evrclr.SR23, Revolver.SR27

18 September 2004:

New member, Eco.SR24

18 September 2004:

Iceman is kicked out for being in 2 squads at the same time, lol. Dark is forced by him to quit too.

22 August 2004:

Captain ARVN.SR16 is promoted to Lt.Colonel and receives the Medal Of Honor.

10 August 2004:

Dark returns to SR as Captain of Alpha Squad, and Iceman joins SR as a commander.

8 August 2004:

SAM.SR3 is promoted to Brg.General!!!!

3 August 2004:

ARVN.SR16 is promoted to Captain !!!!

24 July 2004:

Welcome new member Raptor.SR20 !!!!

19 July 2004:

Welcome new member STU.SR13 !!!!

12 June 2004:

General BH.SR12 won the first Memorial game of two, and scores his first 100k game in a 60min. match. He then sits back and allows someone else to win game two, what a sportsman!

12 June 2004:

To celebrate the life of BadTanker.1AD who passed away last month before Memorial Day, the AF3 comunity is playing a few Memorial Games in his honor. Password: BADTANKER

10 June 2004:

General BH.SR12 achieves the second only perfect game in AF3 history with 16/0 sniped kills in an entire 60min. OPF game.

6 June 2004:

For the 60th Anivesary of D-Day, the AF3 community is celebrating by playing a few games in the password server.

The password is: DDAY

31 May 2004:

In memory and respect of BadTanker's death, the 1st Armored Division Squad has been deactivated.

7 May 2004:

New member, Rowdy.SR18.... welcome buddy!

3 May 2004:

The AF3 community loses a great tanker and friend. Bill 'BadTanker' Wallace dies at the age of 65.

12 April 2004:

Dstreet is promoted to Lt.Colonel Sam.SR3

21 March 2004:

Newest member- Sov T-80 becomes SR17.

Dstreet is promoted to Captain.

19 January 2003:

Due to arising outside commitments, Col. ParkedTank will be turning over the commander position of the Spearheads to Col. BountyHunter. Col. ParkedTank will remain in the Spearhead Regiment under the status of "on call," and will play when needed.

11 January 2003:

Ahem... Nova servers are back up and running again as of this afternoon.

10 January 2004:

Well, if you haven't already discovered, for the past few days Nova servers for AF3 have been down. You'll be able to find out if and when they're back up again from the AF3 Game Lobby. Otherwise, stay tuned to this site for updates.

2 January 2004:

New Member: Pvt. ARVN

21 December 2003:

We'd like to say farewell to Maj. Tex and Cpl. Dark who have recently resigned from the squad. Good luck in the future, and we hope you decide to keep in touch!

12 December 2003:

New Member: Pvt. Magick

7 December 2003:

All-Squad is resuming today (Sunday) in Series 7. Please check with your commanders for game times and passwords.

This site last updated 21 October 2004 00:01.
The Spearhead Regiment is a proud part of the USA.

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